Monday, August 30, 2010


Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long....this parenting thing is a full time gig. ha ha!

So --- Nathan is huge. He's growing like a weed! We had a doctors appointment recently and he is over 18 lbs. We've actually had quite a few appointments lately. He had a bout with pink eye for over 3 weeks! Yuck! There was all this gunky goo coming out of his eye balls....but he didn't seem to be in any pain so we ended up having some really fun sick days :o) Nick stayed home with him one day and this is the scene I came home to:

Nathan is going to be a computer nerd - just like Daddy :o) ha ha! For now he is just a big 'ol HAM! He is always smiling and hanging upside down and laughing out loud.

He LOVES Sophie. Anytime she runs into the room or jumps up on the bed or couch he cracks up laughing! And he always tries to pet her but she isn't always in the mood for that. She's been putting up with it pretty well though. I just know they are going to be the best of friends.

Uncle Matt and my Dad came through town a few weeks ago on the way to cousin Nicole's wedding. Mom had a jewelry party but she came up this past wknd instead.

Doesn't it look like Nathan is going to take off walking? Not quite...but he is crawling! We had to install the baby gate and get those wacky do-dads that prevent all life forms from entering your cabinets. Hopefully we will figure out how to get the pots and pans out so we can still eat ;o)

I think that's it for now - I'll try to get some more pictures up real soon. Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!!

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