Saturday, January 23, 2010

HE IS HERE!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,

Baby Heckman arrived 12:17pm on Friday, January 22nd. He was 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches. As many of you know Nick and I have a "short list" of names but we had decided awhile back we wanted to meet him and spend some time with him before we chose a name.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to spend much time with him. I had a fever of 102 during labor/delivery and the baby's heart rate spiked towards the end, so we had to rush the delivery. He was born with a fever of 104, had trouble breathing and his blood oxygen saturation was low. We are each being treated with antibiotics and both broke our fevers yesterday afternoon.

His original labs came back clear and we were stable into the late afternoon and all evening. His 2nd round of lab results confirmed that the baby has an infection - they suspected a blood infection. At 1am this morning we were notified that the baby needed to be transported to St. Francis' NICU in Peoria for additional testing and to have more specialized staff, equipment, etc at a moments notice.

Due to my infection I am not being released from Bloomington until at least tomorrow (Sun) morning, and we know that the baby will be at St. Francis' NICU for a minimum of 10 days receiving antibiotics. Nick followed the ambulance there and has been with the baby every minute.

We will share news at it becomes available and appreciate all the support & prayers from our friends & family.

Will be in-touch soon,
Nick and Jessi

1 comment:

  1. Nick, Jessi & precious Baby Boy Heckman,
    You are all in our thoughts and prayers, and we are very excited that Baby Boy has finally come! You are in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to seeing you all soon!
    Karissa & Kaleb
