Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Since September...

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry that I was unable to keep the blog updated through the fall/winter. Here are some pictures to catch you up on everything we've been up to!

We went to the park for a family reunion...

We visited Great G-ma & G-pa Carter in Missouri...

Nathan met lots of family members at Christmas...and got some super cool toys...

We took a few naps...

Nathan started eating "big boy food"...and a LOT of it...

Nathan turned 1...

Spent some time at the gym...Nathan wants to be big and strong like Daddy!

One last thing...we decided to make Nathan a big brother! We are expecting another bundle of joy in May. Our family is growing quickly :o) And with that --- Nick and I decided that I will be a stay-at-home-mom when "Princess" gets here. We haven't come up with a name so we've been calling her Pricess ever since we found out she's a girl. LOL! If anyone out there has baby name ideas, feel free to send them our way!

So that's my excuse for not keeping up with the blog! I've been a very tired Mommy between the pregnancy and chasing an infant (now toddler) around everywhere. I'm promise I'll try and do a better job. Great G-ma and G-pa Carter are going to hold me to it!!!!

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