Monday, March 1, 2010

Uncontrollable Screaming, Poop and Shoplifting...

The last few days have been very interesting!

POOP - Our poor little boy has had a raw behind due to the antibiotics he was on. It was getting better, then worse, better again and then worse again. So last Thurs the doctor said to let him sit without a diaper so that air could get to his bum. Nathan successfully pooped through every blanket we own in a matter of about 3 hours. Yucko! My poor washing machine! It still isn't cleared up but hopefully we'll get there soon.

SCREAMING - Nathan has been a very sweet boy. Very mild mannered and cuddly all the time. However, Nick and I knew that sooner or later we would have to face a screaming baby. Last night was the night....he got done eating and all of a sudden started screaming for no reason! We tried everything (starting of course w/ more food because that's usually the only thing that makes him cry) but could not calm him down for more than 2-3 minutes at a time. Finally Nick tried feeding him again and that was the trick - he took 4 oz! This kid is going to eat us out of house and home. By the way --- at the doctor's office on Thurs Nathan weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz. Chunky Monkey!!! But we are so relieved that food is still the answer, we can handle that :o)

SHOPLIFTING - This morning Nathan and I went on our first adventure all by ourselves!!! Our trip was to Wal-Mart of course :o) I had a short list so I was pretty confident that I could fit everything even though his carrier takes up 75% of the cart. We managed to get everything we needed (plus a few extra things as I cannot make it through Wal-Mart without getting something that wasn't on my list) and make it through the checkout without any trouble. Sweet! Then we get bundled up and headed out to the car. I got Nathan tucked away in the backseat and start loading the trunk only to find a whole stash of products that were not bagged.....? I couldn't figure out how they fell out of the bags and quickly realized they were never bagged b/c they were never paid for!!!!!!! These things were pinned against his carseat and we just walked out of the store with them. WHOOPS! Sorry Mr. Walton.....

Who knows what the rest of the week will have in store for us! Stay tuned :o)

1 comment:

  1. hahahaaaa! you didn't tell me about the no diaper thing when we talked! OMG hilarious! layla and nathan are totally compatible...she peed on two of valerie's (the photographer's) sets while we were getting pics...then threw up on a hat. i think these kids were made for each other.
