Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Such a big boy!

We had our 2 month check-up today. Nathan is big (12 lbs 3 oz) and strong (he made it through his first round of immunizations)! After everything he went through the first week of life it's no surprise that he was able to handle the 3 shots given to him this morning. He was not happy, but stopped crying before we even left the doctor's office. Such a tough guy :o) His bottom still isn't cleared up so we finally got a Rx - hopefully this will do the trick....keep your fingers crossed....

Last week was pretty exciting. Nathan slept for 5 hours through the night on two different evenings and then for SEVEN HOURS on Thursday night. Woo Hoo!!!! We were so well rested that on Friday we went on a lunch date with one of my colleagues and then made a surprise visit to ADM. We haven't seen another stretch like that since, but we're hopeful that it will happen again.

Grandma Carter came to visit us this past weekend and we had so much fun! Nick and I got to run errands on Sat morning while Grandma was able to have some alone time with her "new boyfriend"! The rest of the weekend we lounged around the house and worked on finishing the decorations to Nathan's room and Grandma made us more covers for his changing table.

I can't believe how much Nathan is changing already. He is holding his head up almost all of the time and smiling so much :o) He makes the most adorable cooing noises and is practically giggling. I keep thinking I should get it on video but when he is smiling at me I can't bear to step away - not even for a minute to grab the camera!

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