Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another First...

We had our 1st diaper change in public on Monday. Nathan and I went on a lunch date with my friend Jen and we were forced to use the public restroom for the first time. It actually went off without a "squirt". :o)

Nathan, of course, had everyone's eye as we were walking through O'Charley's. When we made it back to the booth I was scooting in while holding him and I cracked my elbow on the table!!! There was a collective "GASP!!!!" from every woman in the restaurant and I quickly announced "it's ok --- it was just my elbow". They all looked away, embarrased that they got caught staring. Too funny!

Today we had a road trip to Bloomington for my check-up and a wonderful visit with the ladies who helped with our pregnancy.

We visited with Christy the receptionist who takes all of our money...

...and Whitney the tech who took all of Nathan's pictures (aka ultrasounds)...

...and my fabulous OB Dr. Dameron and her nurse Shelley...

...and my labor nurse Diane who got Nick and I through labor & delivery...

We are so grateful for all their help the past year! What an amazing team!

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