Thursday, January 28, 2010

Room with a view!!!

Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been a couple of days since we posted anything...Nick and I have been going back and forth to Peoria and the days are over before we know it! Nathan is so sweet - we take every minute possible to cuddle with him :o)

Well we have lots of good news....we got to meet with Nathan's neonatologist on Tuesday. She and her team said Nathan had "remarkable" vitals, his spinal fluid was "impeccable" (no signs of meningitis - hooray!) and he will be coming home next Tuesday!!! We can hardly wait to hold him without wires everywhere.

On Tuesday Nathan moved to the intermediate care section of the NICU. He has a much bigger space and a huge bay window with a view of Peoria! Moving up in the world...

Thanks everyone for your support and prayers. We feel incredibly blessed to be surrounded by so much love.

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