Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby Pictures

We've had lots of ultrasounds so here are some snapshots of his growth over the past 6 months.

Here he is at just 7 wks - the size of a single grain of rice! The little black circle in the middle is the amniotic sac. The white line on the left side of the black circle is the line the technician drew to measure him. He measures only 4mm but already has a strong heartbeat. We could actually see it beating away on the screen!!

At 9 wks his little arms are starting to grow. He kind of looks like a little teddy graham...

We got some really great shots at 20 wks! You can see his profile and arms waving here.

IT'S A BOY! You can see his legs and what's sticking out in between!!! Just look for the arrow if you need help understanding :o)

Week 22 we went back for another close-up. Here are his little footprints!

They wanted to redo some of the measurements from 20 wks (which made us pretty nervous) but he gave us a "thumbs up" that everything is OK!

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